- Energy Storage Valuation and Impact Analysis in Southern California
- Smart Grid, Smart City: Distribution Monitoring and Control
- Planning Data Exchange System between Network Licensees to Enable a Smarter Grid
- Massive Integration of power electronic devices (MIGRATE)
- Recharge the Future
- National Grid PV Forecasting: Phase 2
- Risk Assessment and Modelling of Smart nEtwork Solutions (RAMSES)
- Value of Lost Load to Customers
- Architecture of Tools for Load Scenarios (ATLAS) Project
- Improving Demand Forecasting
- SAMUEL Inertia Measurement (SIM)
- Development of Methodologies and Tools for New and Evolving DSO Roles for Efficient DRES Integration in Distribution Networks (evolvDSO)
- Voltage Reduction Analysis (VRA)
- Concepts, Capacities and Methods for Testing EV Systems and their Interoperability within the Smartgrids (COTEVOS)
- Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart GRID Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for Europe (Grid4EU)
- Smart Distribution System Operation for Maximizing the Integration of Renewable Generation (SuSTAINABLE)
- Smart and Sustainable Insular Electricity Grids Under Large-Scale Renewable Integration (SINGULAR)
- Development of an Improved Distribution Load Estimates Methodology
- UK Regional Wind - Extreme Behavior and Predictability
- Modelling of Embedded Generation Within Distribution Networks and Assessing the Impact
- Transmission system operation with large penetration of Wind and other renewable Electricity sources in Networks by means of innovative Tools and Integrated Energy Solutions (TWENTIES)
- Low Voltage Network Impacts from PV Project
- Pan European Grid Advancement Simulation and State Estimation
- REseArch, methodoLogIes and technologieS for the effective development of pan-European key GRID infrastructures to support the achievement of a reliable competitive and sustainable electricity supply (REALISEGRID)