Capturing innovations through an independent, consistent and comprehensive approach.
The TECH PORTAL, brought to you by EPRI, is an online database of innovative technologies relevant to the energy industry. In developing this comprehensive database, EPRI is committed to uncovering potential impacts of new technologies, novel applications and use cases, unique business model transformations, as well as technology gaps that can be addressed through effective research and development for the benefit of society.
EPRI is an independent, nonprofit organization focused on energy and environmental research to support electricity generation, delivery, and use. EPRI collaborates with the electricity sector, its stakeholders, and others in making electric power safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible.
Working to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy through the multilateral coordination of resources.
The Incubatenergy Network is a consortium of clean energy focused incubators and accelerators across the country working to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy through the multilateral coordination of resources, supporting entrepreneurs focused on clean energy innovation and deployment. The Incubatenergy Network has supported more than 500 companies to date and has a significant pipeline particularly in sourcing startup applicants to the IEL program.

Accelerating the development and deployment of low- and zero-carbon energy technologies.
EPRI and Gas Technology Institute (GTI) have created the Low-Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) to accelerate development and deployment of low- and zero-carbon energy technologies. The LCRI is targeting advances in the production, distribution, and application of low-carbon, alternative energy carriers and the cross-cutting technologies that enable their integration at scale. These energy carriers—which include hydrogen, ammonia, synthetic fuels, and biofuels—are needed to enable affordable pathways to economy-wide decarbonization by mid-century.

Integrating distributed energy resources in the planning and operation of the electricity grid.
The electric power system is changing with the rise of distributed energy resources (DER) connected to the distribution system. In many settings these distributed resources already affect the grid, and their projected expansion may significantly change the technical, operational, environmental and financial character of the electricity sector. To realize the full value of distributed resources and to serve all consumers at established standards of quality and reliability, the need has arisen to integrate DER in the planning and operation of the electricity grid - what EPRI is calling the Integrated Grid.

Accelerating industry learning on real-world practical applications and connecting like-minded blockchain leaders.
Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology, has garnered an immense amount of attention over the last several years. There are numerous start-ups, platforms and ancillary products being developed to support blockchain in the energy industry. At its core, however, research needs to be performed on the technology, its applications, and the practicality of these applications.

Energy Innovations areas as classified by their specific areas and presented below.
Next-Generation Renewables
Click the view button to search for innovations in Next-Generation Renewables.
Nuclear and Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
Click the view button to search for innovations in Nuclear and Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems.
Fossil Generation, Novel Fossil Cycles, and CCUS
Click the view button to search for innovations in Fossil Generation, Novel Fossil Cycles, and CCUS.
Energy Storage
Click the view button to search for innovations in Energy Storage.
Grid Modernization
Click the view button to search for innovations in Grid Modernization.
Environment/Water-Energy Nexus
Click the view button to search for innovations in Environment/Water-Energy Nexus.
Efficient Electrification
Click the view button to search for innovations in Efficient Electrification.
Emerging Technologies
Click the view button to search for innovations in Emerging Technologies.
Energy Innovations areas as classified by their Cross-Cutting Technology areas and presented below.