Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart GRID Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for Europe (Grid4EU)
Project Summary
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Grid4EU was a large-scale demonstration of advanced smart grid solutions with wide replication and scalability potential across Europe. The four-year project included the involvement of 27 organizations from 15 countries, including six large Distribution System Operators (DSOs), covering over half of metered power consumers in Europe. The project aimed at testing innovative systems, concepts, and technologies to highlight and help remove barriers to smart grid deployment and achievement of the 2020 European goals. It focused on how distribution system operators could dynamically manage electricity supply and demand, which is crucial for integration of large amounts of renewable energy, and empower consumers to become active participants in their energy choices. Ultimately, these innovative concepts and technologies could cost-effectively increase the network’s reliability, flexibility, and resiliency.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Research Partners
- N/A
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
- P94 - Energy Storage and Distributed Generation
- P161 - Information and Communication Technology
- P170 - End-Use Energy Efficiency and Demand Response
- P173 - Bulk Power System Integration of Variable Generation
- P174 - Integration of Distributed Energy Resources
- P180 - Distribution Systems
- P193C - Solar Generation
- P200 - Distribution Operations and Planning
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IG sponsors Information: Learnings and Recommendations
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