Smart and Sustainable Insular Electricity Grids Under Large-Scale Renewable Integration (SINGULAR)
Project Summary
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SINGULAR investigates the effects of large-scale integration of renewables and demand-side management on the planning and operation of insular electricity grids, proposing efficient measures, solutions and tools towards the development of a sustainable and smart grid.
SINGULAR developed a set of electricity network planning procedures and tools to implement robust insular electricity network planning. The goal is the generation of effective solutions and information so that the integration of insular and highly variable energy resources is maximized. The operation and planning tools and procedures were applied in different insular electricity grids in five countries across Europe for extensive demonstration, allowing the development of generalized guides of procedures and grid codes specific for future generation of smart insular electricity grids.
The activities of SINGULAR were shared between the partners and divided into twelve (12) different workpackages (WPs). SINGULAR was organized in two main phases with distinct Work Packages (WPs). Two additional WPs (WP1 and WP12) were dedicated to project management and dissemination, and spanned the entire duration of the project.
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- Generate meteorological forecast information, and models for different energy generation, gathering the needed technical information for construction training and parameterization of the forecasting services.
- Define and evaluate advanced methods for managing EES with the objective of stabilizing and optimizing insular electricity grids.
- Define the data structures and models of the power and distribution system components, including development, testing and validation of the computational tools for power flow and fault calculations.
- Development of innovative advanced stochastic optimization models and tools for the short-term and very short-term operation of insular electricity networks under large-scale RES integration.
- Development of market design schemes, and economic models, oriented to the introduction of competition in the short-term operation of insular electricity grids.
- Development of robust mathematical models and software tools to address the integration of RES into the planning of European insular distribution systems.
- Develop advanced models that allow the integration of real-time information streams of the smart power grid with diverse information pulled from online services, in order to translate the veritable explosion of data that becomes available, into a comprehensive knowledge repository supporting demand response decisions.
- Implementation, testing and validation of all algorithms, models, and tools already developed. in the previous, including real-life implementation of the SINGULAR tools at the selected pilot facilities.
- Development of generalized guides of procedures specific for future generation of smart insular electricity grids.
- Disseminate developments and findings to all key actors in the field in an interactive way, integrating their feedback at key points of the specification, design, development and evaluation work, ensuring exploitation plans for key project results.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
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