EPRI’s Utility Blockchain Interest Group (UBIG) uses a collaborative approach to accelerate industry learning on real-world practical applications and connect like-minded blockchain leaders in the global energy space through our network of international members and stakeholders.
UBIG, established in 2018, is guided by the needs of electric utilities to develop technical understanding, share lessons learned, vet use cases, and uncover the practicality and potential of blockchain technology in the utility industry.
Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology, has garnered an immense amount of attention over the last several years. There are numerous start-ups, platforms and ancillary products being developed to support blockchain in the energy industry. At its core, however, research needs to be performed on the technology, its applications, and the practicality of these applications. Furthermore, there is a lack of consistent decision making and defined success criteria in the industry when looking at blockchain. As a thought leader positioned across the electricity industry, EPRI is well poised to perform this research.
As part of this effort to understand blockchain’s potential in the utility industry, UBIG is tracking and compiling a comprehensive list of global utility blockchain pilots to extract key insights, document industry trends, and share lessons learned. This website serves as a portal to explore and learn about global blockchain demonstrations.
More detailed information on project scope and reasons to join EPRI’s Utility Blockchain Interest Group can be found here:
EPRI Contacts
For further information, to suggest modifications, or to add new site pages to this website, please contact Hannah Davis, Neil Hughes, or Micah Sweeney.
Member collaboration site
UBIG project funders can access project deliverables and other resources on our collaboration site. This collaboration site is for UBIG project members and not available to the public.
Interested in learning what blockchain platforms are being used? View projects by the blockchain platform.
Consensus Mechanism
View blockchain projects by the consensus mechanism (Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Authority, etc.) in place.
Use Case/Application
There are a wide variety of blockchain applications in the energy sector. View projects by use case here.
Utility Blockchain Projects Around the World
Map of UBIG Technologies as deployed and demonstrated across the globe is available below.