Sharc Energy Solutions Inc.
Piranha HC
Port Coquitlam, Canada
Sharc Energy , the world leader in high efficient energy recovery from sewage flows Sharc has a new product call Piranha HC This heat pump is designed to produce domestic hot water at COPs in excess of 4 extracting the heat in the wastewater flow leaving a multifamily apartment building.
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Piranha HC
The Piranha HC (heat/cool) wastewater heat recovery system is the first of its kind in the HVAC market and has redefined green building innovation. The energy used for domestic hot water production is continually being recycled within the building in perpetuity thus reducing energy use and CO2 production by displacing the need for natural gas. The Piranha HC is a self contained heat pump that uses a specifically designed direct expansion heat exchanger to extract thermal energy from a buildings wastewater for reuse heating domestic hot water while providing simultaneous chilled water for cooling.
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