Extensible Energy
Extensible Energy is bringing a new category of building energy control software to market, which will unlock the potential of grid-interactive buildings. We believe that empowering every building with intelligent energy control software is essential for transitioning the world to a modern, clean energy grid.
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DemandEx is designed to reduce cost by shifting demand. It accomplishes this by forecasting the controllable and uncontrollable loads in each building, running a family of optimization algorithms, including Model Predictive Control (MPC), and sending signals to the controlled devices in the building. The most important software tech (forecasting and optimization) runs in the cloud on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Communications within the building are handled by a gateway which handles multiple protocols (BACnet, WiFi, Zigbee, Z-Wave) to interact with the building energy management system (if one is present) or smart wireless devices if no BMS is present.
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