LineVision is a smart grid technology that builds system resilience by providing continuous real-time monitoring data utilities have never had access to before. LineVision is a three-in-one transmission line monitoring solution that utilizes non-contact sensors to provide utilities with real-time situational awareness; asset health monitoring; and dynamic line ratings.
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LineHealth™; LineAware™; LineRate™
LineAware Ensure lines are within safe operating limits with real-time alerting on threats to grid reliability or public safety. LineVision’s sensors and analytics measure sag, blowout, and line loading on all phases, measure ambient weather conditions, and provide icing risk and detection alerts. LineRate Suite Reliably and safely increase the capacity on transmission lines by up to 40% with advanced line ratings. LineRate DLR leverages computational fluid dynamics and sensor-based data that is continuously refined using machine learning. LineRate AAR+ utilizes or more non-contact sensors are installed at critical locations to verify ratings aren't overestimated, increasing grid capacity while ensuring safety & resilience. LineHealth Improve asset management by using digital twin models to understand conductor health and prioritize maintenance of critical assets. LineHealth measures loss of strength from annealing, sag distributions, sag/temperature relationship curves, conductor elongation, breaking strength, Aeolian vibration risk, conductor temperature, and conductor temperature limits while providing end-of-life projections.
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