Pano AI. AKA Halliwell Ventures, Inc.
PanoCam and Pano Rapid Detect
San Francisco, CA
Pano has developed a situational awareness platform that leverages HD cameras and AI to improve utility operational resilience and safeguard communities from wildfire threats. Pano has a team of experienced technology professionals from companies including Cisco, Tesla, Apple, and Nest.
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PanoCam and Pano Rapid Detect
Pano AI is a 360 degree camera network that proposes ability ingest camera inputs from different geospatial locations and run change detection algortithms on the real time image feeds to provide fast detection of fire outbreaks in high fire threat locations. The web based platform would allegedly be an additional feed to display on the walls or on the operator screens in (utility or other organizations') emergency response and operations centers. The primary elements of the system would be 360 degree capable cameras, a high reliability communications system, a geospatial data ingestion and display platform, and an analytics package continuously running in the background to accomplish the fast detection.
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