Field Demonstration of Hybrid and Coordinated Control Schemes for DMS with DER
Project Summary
This project will evaluate the hybrid control concept through field demonstration to show that distribution systems can operate in coordination with DER to provide improved overall performance and cost-effectively accommodate increased levels of PV. This demonstration will serve as the basis for other utilities to apply similar control schemes within their service territories. Lessons learned, gaps and challenges uncovered through the demonstration will inform the industry and serve as a roadmap for further grid modernization implementation and improved integration of DER.
The project aims to demonstrate how such systems can effectively be deployed, enabling distribution operators to apply similar control schemes in a scalable manner. From this field demonstration, the unique challenges, gaps, and solutions will be documented. Additionally, the project will demonstrate:
- Enhanced operational algorithms for coordinated control of distributed PV and distribution system assets and integration solutions
- Increased hosting capacity using cost-effective solutions
- Long-term solutions that are replicable and scalable working with commercial vendor partners to integrate PV into operations to increase DER hosting capacity
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Utilities
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
IG sponsors Information: Learnings and Recommendations
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