LADWP Distributed Energy Resources Pilot Program
Project Summary
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is planning a scalable deployment of connected and controllable DER (PV, BESS, smart thermostats, pool pumps, and hot water heaters) to manage future load (EVs) and generation (PV) growth while maintaining system reliability.
The pilot will take effect in two stages: first, a proof-of-concept stage (Stage 1) focused on testing the capabilities of DERMS technology, and second, a feeder-deployment stage (Stage 2) focused on identifying the nature and range of measurable impacts that DER can have on an impacted feeder.
EPRI led an abundance of working group sessions with various LADWP departments to further refine and define the vision for this pilot. DER functional specifications, DERMS requirements and Microgrid Controller functional specifications were developed on behalf of LADWP. A roadmap for execution of the pilot was also provided.
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
- Project Type
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