LG&E and KU: Energy Storage Research And Demonstration Site
Project Summary
Louisville Gas and Electric Company (LG&E) and Kentucky Utilities Company (KU), part of the PPL Corporation family of companies, are investigating how battery energy storage can improve reliability, especially in response to increased penetrations of renewable energy. They are also looking to examine battery storage value streams associated with power quality, energy arbitrage, black-start support, ramp rate control, non-spinning reserves, and more. To this end, adjacent to an existing 10 MW PV plant, LG&E and KU constructed a 4.5 MVA energy storage research and demonstration site featuring three test “bays” with the intent to evaluate multiple energy storage technologies. Currently a 1 MW (2 MWh) lithium ion battery energy storage system (BESS) is the first energy storage system under assessment. Project conception and planning began in 2015, and the BESS and associated systems were installed and operational by December 2016.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Research Partners
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- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
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