Distribution System Aware Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Services for Improved Grid Stability and Reliability
Project Summary
The purpose of the project is the development and demonstration of an end-to-end Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) integrated system that is distribution system and independent system operator (ISO) aware. The project developed and demonstrated a fully functional, secure, reliable, open-standard based, and interoperable grid interactive vehicle and grid communication technology; and interfaces for Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) to support V2G services.
- Develop and demonstrate end-to-end integrated system design that is distribution grid-aware and capable of making V2G scale-up more robust/responsive to real-time grid conditions from the local transformer and DSO, while also delivering value-added services to the distribution grid and ISO.
- Develop and demonstrate a grid-tied V2G system that is both outage-immune and grid compliant.
- Demonstrate distribution grid awareness through connectivity to locational demand response (DR) dispatch. This is used as an indicator of distribution system congestion status, which can be disaggregated through the central aggregation platform (Open VGI Platform).
- Demonstrate V2G system capability and apply distribution capacity constraints while delivering ISO and DSO grid services.
- Perform detailed OpenDSS based distribution circuit analysis for the test locations at SDG&E, PG&E and SCE.
- Provide test protocols and methods to assess measurement and verification of utility program compliance.
- Assess costs and benefits of the V2G services to the ratepayers, as well as recommend approaches to enable V2G services adoption.
- Evaluate the performance of the current V2G systems and identify gaps with compliance to Rule 21 requirements.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Research Partners
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
Beginning Date:
July 2, 2015
Ending Date:
June 29, 2018
Project Status:
Last Modified:
November 2, 2020
IG sponsors Information: Learnings and Recommendations
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