Project Summary
Adapted and lightly edited from: http://www.futureflow.eu/
FutureFlow links interconnected control areas of four transmission system operators of Central-South Europe which today face increasing challenges to ensure transmission system security. Namely, the growing share of renewable electricity has reduced drastically the capabilities of conventional, fossil-fuel based means to ensure balancing activities and congestion relief through redispatching. Research and innovation activities are proposed to validate that consumers and distributed generators can be put in a position to provide balancing and redispatching services, within an attractive business environment. Participating countries include: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia
The overarching goal of the present research is to design and pilot comprehensive techno-economic models for open and non-discriminatory access for consumers and distributed generators to a regional platform for ancillary / balancing and redispatching services.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
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