Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid (RESERVE)
Project Summary
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Future energy systems will use Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to minimize CO2 emissions. Currently large generators powered by fossil fuel turbines maintain the stability and quality of energy supplies through their inertia. The inertia of these generator-turbine groups gives providers a significant time window in which to react to network events. Ways to stabilize energy systems with up to 100% RES are increasingly needed to generate “RESERVEs” in order to ensure a stable and sustainable energy supply.
RESERVE is addressing this challenge by researching new energy system concepts, implemented as new system support services enabling distributed, multi-level control of the energy system, using pan-European unified network connection codes. Near real-time control of the distributed energy network will be enabled by innovative 5G based ICT. Energy system use case scenarios supplied by energy providers will form the basis of energy system models. Performance characteristics of the new control mechanisms will be investigated through integration of energy simulations and live 5G communications.
RESERVE will create a pan-European multi-site simulation test-bed, bringing together the best facilities in Europe. The results include published models of system support services, innovative architectures for the implementation of the services, performance tests on our pan-European real-time simulation, and live, test-beds, a model for pan-European unified network connection codes and actions to promote results to standardization organizations, all of which maintain the RESERVE in energy systems. Commercialization of results will result in breakthroughs in the efficient utilization of use of RES, a spin-off and a wide range of enhanced professional solutions and services.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Utilities
- N/A
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
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