Feldheim Energy Community
Project Summary
Feldheim is small farming town of 150 people that has steadily been moving towards self-sufficiency from renewable energy sources. This renewable community consists of a wind farm with 43 turbines and an installed capacity of 74.1 MW. In 2008, a solar farm that produces 2,700 MWh per year was installed on an ex-Soviet military site. At that point, the town also decided to enter into a joint venture with Energiequelle to establish a combined heat and power (CHP) plant, which uses biogas produced from pig manure and unused corn from the community. With a woodchip heating plant as backup, citizens are able to produce all of the heat and electricity they need. The energy community is not only limited to the ownership of renewable power plants. The heating grid is owned by Feldheim Energie GmbH & Co. KG, with Energiequelle as the general partner, while connected households and the municipality of Treuenbrietzen are limited partners. The electricity grid is owned by Energiequelle GmbH and Co. WP Feldheim 2006 KG. Finally, they also installed an electrical vehicle charging station, and have plans to install a 10 MW battery, which will help to maintain the grid stability.
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