Bioenergiedorf Jühnde
Project Summary
Jühnde is Germany’s first village to produce heat and electricity by means of renewable biomass (plants in form of silage and wood chips), thus becoming the first village to be self-sufficient and produce from RES (renewable energy sources) with consumers participation. The system contains a 700 kW CHP (combined heat and power) generator that runs on biogas to produce electricity that is supplied to the public grid. A 550 kW woodchip boiler is used in the winter to supply heating which circulates around the local district network. During summer time, the excess heat of the CHP-plant is used for drying of wood-chips or log-wood for the heating boiler to use in winter time. The original aim of the project was for the village to be self-sufficient in terms of energy consumption, and the plants now produce 70% of the villages heating demand and double its electricity demand. The bioenergy facility is owned locally and collectively by the people of Jühnde. Residents are able to buy shares in the co operative company that owns the facility – at present, nearly 75% of Jühnde’s inhabitants are members of this company.
Project Team
- Project Lead
- N/A
- Utilities
- N/A
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- N/A
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Project Information
Project Information
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- N/A
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