Assel Valley Community Renewables
Project Summary
Assel Valley Community Renewables Society is a community benefit society formed to enable people to own a stake in the Assel Valley wind farm in Ayshire. Assel Valley wind farm has been developed and built in 2018 by Falck Renewables Wind and comprising ten Nordex N90 wind turbines each rated 2.5 MW. The total installed capacity is 25 MW generating approximately 84,000 MWh annually. It is a society owned by and managed for the benefit of the community by its members, who are protected by limited liability status. All Assel Valley Community Renewables Society Members have one vote regardless of how many Shares (a member must have the minimum number of shares of 250) they hold with the limit that no member, except another Society, may hold more than 100,000 Shares. The Board is elected by the Assel Valley Community Renewables Society Members.
Project Team
- Utilities
- N/A
- Research Partners
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
- N/A
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