Duurzaam Ameland
Project Summary
Duurzaam Ameland is a partnership of the municipality of Ameland and a number of companies. It is an example of cooperation with utilities and distribution system operator: Eneco, GasTerra, NAM, Signify, Liander, TNO and EnTranCe. The municipality is developing the largest smart electricity grid in the Netherlands and Zonnepark Ameland is the second largest solar park in the country. The goal is to make the island's energy supply permanently sustainable within a few years through several green solutions such as: solar park Ameland (5.98 MW), smart lighting, fuel cells, sustainable public transport (gas and electric buses).
Project Team
- Project Lead
- Utilities
- N/A
- Vendors
- N/A
- Other Participants or Stakeholders
- N/A
Project Information
Project Information
- Technology Demonstrated
- Demonstration Objectives
- Related EPRI Programs
- N/A
Additional Information
[1] https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC119433/energy_communities_report_final.pdf (Annex: Case studies per country) [2] https://duurzaamameland.nl/over-ons/
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